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Tulaj: pafi
Rendelkezés: In mathematics, a multiply perfect number (also called multiperfect number or pluperfect number) is a generalization of a perfect number. For a given natural number k, a number n is called k-perfect (or k-fold perfect) if and only if the sum of all positive divisors of n (the divisor function, σ(n)) is equal to kn; a number is thus perfect if and only if it is 2-perfect. A number that is k-perfect for a certain k is called a multiply perfect number. As of July 2004, k-perfect numbers are known for each value of k up to 11. It can be proven that: * For a given prime number p, if n is p-perfect and p does not divide n, then pn is (p+1)-perfect. This implies that an integer n is a 3-perfect number divisible by 2 but not by 4, if and only if n/2 is an odd perfect number, of which none are known. * If 3n is 4k-perfect and 3 does not divide n, then n is 3k-perfect.
Megszerezve: 2008-08-29 14:02:34