

61 találat az Indexről, és a környékéről.

2019. november 7., 14:32

Why is Orbán courting Erdoğan? Why is Orbán courting Erdoğan?

Diversification of natural gas purchases could be behind the close relationship of Hungary and Turkey, for which Orbán is prone to making grand, but empty gestures.

2019. október 24., 15:15

Hungary commemorated the 1956 revolution Hungary commemorated the 1956 revolution

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and opposition mayor of Budapest Gergely Karácsony held speeches, a far-right fringe group attacked a community centre.

2019. február 11., 19:47

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Hungary US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Hungary

Mike Pompeo visited Hungary and talked about China, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary's gas supply, and Hungary's renewed defense cooperation with the USA as it is reengaging with Central Europe.