

67 találat az Indexről, és a környékéről.

Fugitive shot and captured after pursuit through Budapest

Fugitive shot and captured after pursuit through Budapest

2019.02.15. 15:34 Módosítva: 2019-02-15 16:07:28
The 35-year-old convict was hospitalised with life-threatening injuries. The arrest was caught on video.

2018. december 5., 15:09

FAQ: What happened to CEU? FAQ: What happened to CEU?

CEU is relocating all its US-accredited programs it offered in Budapest to Vienna. What does it all mean? Our FAQ tries to give you all the answers.

2018. november 23., 15:15

Hungary in the News, Week of 23/11/18

Every Friday, Index presents you with a selection of the week's most relevant articles concerning Hungary from the world's leading news sites.

2018. szeptember 12., 21:36

What is Orbán's secret? What is Orbán's secret?

Orbán's regime stupefies the masses, ignores one third of society, builds a clientele and yet seems undefeatable. What is the deal?
Read Index in English!

Read Index in English!

2017.10.06. 15:20 Módosítva: 2017-10-07 11:47:31
Fences against migrants, a war against the region's best university. Russian influence in Hungary. Hungarian prostitutes in Gemany. The best of Hungary's top news site in English.

2017. október 6., 15:20

Itt az Index angolul! Itt az Index angolul!

Előfordult már, hogy megosztott volna egy Index-cikket egy magyarul nem beszélő ismerőssel? Mostantól könnyebb lesz.

2017. október 5., 13:52

Trump might be right about the Germans Trump might be right about the Germans

Even though Trump's policy ideas usually don't line up with mainstream economics wisdom, in this case he is actually right. Germany really does export too much, and this hurts Europe, America and the world economy as a whole.
On Miklós Horthy's Responsibility

On Miklós Horthy's Responsibility

2017.10.05. 13:49 Módosítva: 2017-10-07 10:22:16
The ‘final solution' had been initiated by the Nazi German leadership, but Horthy's Hungary proved to be a willing partner in its implementation. Horthy's policy of border revision proved to be unsuccessful, and his country eventually fell into the hands of the Soviets.

2017. április 12., 17:42

CEU embodies everything Orbán is against CEU embodies everything Orbán is against

The real question here is why Viktor Orbán decided to attack the university right now. We sat down to talk about this with sociologist István Hegedűs, Orbán’s former man-at-arms.