Immár harmadik egymást követő évben kapja meg szerkesztőségünk egyik tehetsége az elismerést.
19 találat az Indexről, és a környékéről.
június 19., 13:00
Médiacégek és generációk is mérkőztek egymással a Media Regattán
Ez nem csupán a versenyről szól.
2020. szeptember 5., 16:29
Durva csapás érte a hagyományos médiát
Vesztésre áll a hagyományos média az internettel szemben. Egyre többen használják magabiztosan az internetet.
2020. szeptember 2., 20:53
Bajban vannak politikusaink a számokkal
A Fidesz azt állította, hogy Karácsony Gergely főpolgármester a közösségi médiában 30 millió forintot költött hirdetésekre, ennek jelentős részét fővárosi büdzséből. A cáfolat nem váratott magára.
Following the firing of editor-in-chief Szabolcs Dull, the editorial board of Index has resigned, along with more than 70 staff members.
2020. július 24., 08:02
Staff of Index requests reinstatement of fired editor-in-chief
2020. július 22., 15:02
Firing the editor-in-chief of Index is unacceptable
The reason for Dull's dismissal was that he made it clear he will not yield to blackmail.
2020. július 22., 13:45
Editor-in-chief of Index dismissed
"It was not without reason that Index's staff felt in danger, and it was not without reason that I decided to move our independence barometer," the outgoing editor-in-chief stated.
2020. július 8., 11:03
Readers' messages - what Index means to you
2020. július 7., 14:43
Index told to get a new editor-in-chief
2020. június 30., 14:33
Another CEO resigns at Index, we know little
The new CEO stepped down after only a few days, things happen above our heads, but we know one thing for sure: We want to write the news in peace.
2020. június 26., 21:15
Hungarian Constitutional Court approves exempting pro-government media from antitrust regulation
A government decree exempted KESMA, the giant pro-government media conglomerate from prior antitrust examination. The Constitutional Court found nothing wrong.
2020. június 23., 17:57
The CEO is gone, but Index still stands
We still insist on maintaining our editorial independence and keeping our staff untouchable., the largest news site of Hungary, one of the few remaining independent voices, is in grave danger.
2020. március 3., 16:31
Hungarian state media cries 'coordinated international attack' over a Politico article
According to Politico, reporters of Hungarian state media have to ask for permission before covering politically sensitive topics.
2020. február 10., 17:10
The German 'refugees' who fled to Hungary for Viktor Orbán
They say Hungary is calm as Viktor Orbán protects it from migrants, but chemtrails are becoming an increasing worry.
2020. február 7., 19:26
Prosecutor's Office insists on punishing a journalist of
Though charges were already dropped against our colleague, András Dezső, prosecution appealed the decision on a technicality.
2019. december 10., 12:15
Top media authority of Hungary ruled by Fidesz for nine more years
All newly elected members of the Hungarian Media Council were nominated by Fidesz.
2019. december 3., 19:41
Fidesz to maintain hegemony over Media Council for nine more years
The ad-hoc parliamentary committee rejected all candidates of opposition parties, who call the move a "mockery of democracy."